MTIN Networking Wireless

11 Reasons your Internet is slow

If your video is lagging and downloads are taking forever, don’t bang your head on your keyboard. Try these fixes to put your digital life back in the fast lane.


Small cells and NaaS

over at


FD-IX video explaining what an Internet Exchange and peering are.

MTIN Networking Wireless

What is WPA3?

With the introduction of WIFI6, we now have the new WPA standard in WPA3. In an earlier article, I talk about WIFI6, and it’s the introduction of WPA3. As we are used to with the previous versions of WPA, WPA3 comes in two “flavors. We have WPA personal and WPA enterprise.

WPA personal is what most of us are familiar with in home environments.  The most significant change isthe Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), which replaces Pre-shared Key (PSK). A preshared key or passphrase is what we are used to typing in when we associate to a new, secured network. Typically you type an 8 character or longer password you have to ask your friend for when you visit their house.

So what does SAE do exactly? At the core, SAE is a peer-to-peer handshake. If you are the kind who likes to read RFCs, then RFC 7664 – Dragonfly Key exchange is what SAE is based upon. With SAE an attacker can not sniff data, analyze it offline, and introduce an attack on a pre-shared key like they can with WPA2. When the client connects to the access point, they perform an SAE exchange. If successful, they will each create a cryptographically secure key, of which the session key is based. If one session key is cracked it will only affect one key, and not all of the key used, as with WPA-2.  In SAE the four-way handshake is done away with.

Another critical benefit of WPA is Wi-Fi Device Provisioning Protocol (DPP) which replaces the flawed Wifi protected setup (WPS) currently supported by many consumer routers. With DPP, devices can be authenticated to join a network without a password through various means, including QR codes. So what does the Enterprise side of WPA3 give us? Most of the new features have to do with encryption and key exchange mechanisms.  WPA3 enterprise supports 192-bit encryption.

So what does the Enterprise side of WPA3 give us? Most of the new features have to do with encryption and key exchange mechanisms.  WPA3 enterprise supports 192-bit encryption.

Networking podcast WISP xISP

PodCast: Mum 2019 chat with JJ & Eric

Sat down With JJ Mcgrath and Eric Sooter at the Mikrotik User meeting in Autin for a little “routerside chat” about the WISP industry. #routinglight #routingrf #bendingpackets #podcast

IPV6 Mikrotik Networking

Vultr, Mikrotik and IPV6

Over at my j2sw Blog I posted an article on setting up a Mikrotik CHR under a Vultr Instance. Check it out.

BGP Networking

MUM 2019 presentation on BGP

For those of you not able to attend the US MUM presentation here is my presentation slides in PDF for my BGP session. 200 meg download.



Calling all Texas ISPs to the 2019 US Mikrotik user meeting

Are you an ISP in texas? Are you looking for better connectivity? Come visit midwest-ix for our new partnership in texas-ix at the US mum in Austin this coming Thursday and Friday (April 4th and 5th 2019).

If you haven’t registered today go over to the MidWest-IX facebook page and send us a message for your ticket, which includes free meals.  You don’t get the free lunches with the standard ticket.

#usmum2019 #peering #keeptrafficlocal


Wiring project for a courthouse

Re-wiring a 4 story courthouse.


Small Office rack setup

A small office setup.